The Democratic Republic of Harrawi is a small country in northeastern Africa that borders Djibouti and Ethiopia in the west, Somalia in the south and the Gulf of Aden in the northeast. The country's capital is Oryaa. The origins of the Harrawi people must probably be looked for in Asia Minor. Harrawi became an independent sultanate in 1978 after centuries of, among other, Osman and British rule. The ruling sultans were however overthrown in 2002 and the country has been a republic since.

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: 27,890 km2
Highest point of elevation
: Yaumaa Hushuun; Mount Hushun (1,516 m)
Climate: moderate temperatures, irregular rainfall, hot and dry
Time: EAT (UTC + 3)

: $ 41.09 billion ($ 30,707 per capita) (2023)
Currency: 1 Harrawi Kush (pl. Kunu) = ca. $ 0.0321
Inflation: ca. 5.2% (2023 est.)
Unemployment: ca. 6.5% (2023 est.)
Working population: agriculture 11.1%, industry 42.7%, services 46.2%
Export: oil, gas, gold, salt, hides, beans and other commodities, technological products, chemical products
Import: food, technological products, chemical products
Main partners: African Union, countries in the Middle East, United States of America, Russia, European Union
Main businesses: transshipment, refuelling, banking, oil refinery
Main newspapers: sh'Wegunu Harrayoom (The Harrawi Times), e'Saut sh'Naass (The Voice of the People), esh'Umury (The Republic)
Internet code: .hw

Official name (Harrawi)
: esh'Umury Demukratyaa Harraay
Official name (English): the Democratic Republic of Harrawi
Conventional and local short name: Harrawi
National anthem: Way'arai, su nass Harraay (Awaken, People of Harrawi); music and lyrics by Muwasau Tusalyiabon (1937 - 2005)
National holidays: 15 April (Day of Democracy), 30 May (Independence Day, 1978), 6 October (Foundation of the Republic, 2002)

: 1,338,270 (1-1-2024 est.)
Population density: 47.98 inh./km2
Growth rate
: 2.08% (2023 est.)
Life expectancy: 58 (male), 64 (female)
Top 5 cities (+ inhabitants):
     Oryaa (336,412)
     Hurunn (251,948)
     Malaa (162,054)
     Erim (142,613)
     Neesh (121,077)
Ethnic groups: Harrawi (86%), Arab (5%), Britons (3%), Somali (2%), Afar (2%), other (2%)
Languages: Harrawi (official), Arabic, English, Somali, Afar
Literacy: 79%
Religion: Sunni Muslim (96%), other (4%)
Universities: Oryaa (1979), Malaa (1894)

: Oryaa
Administrative division: ten provinces
Form of government: parliamentary republic
: esh'Eshaa Eengatare (Chamber of Deputies, 71 seats). Last election held on 10 March 2023; next to be held on 5 March 2027.
Chairman of parliament
: Aames Sanoraabon (since 2012)
Political parties
: New Isb Demukratyaa (NID, New Democratic Party), Onsery Isb Demukratyaa (OID, First Democratic Party), Isb Akshana a Ashula (IAA, Party for Development and Prosperity), Isb e'Saag (IS, Saag-Party), Isb sh'Nassaa Harraay (INH, Party for the People of Harrawi), Sikanish Apiriyatily Harrawia (SAH, Political Initiative for Harrawi), Isb esh'Kuumeen (IK, Kuumeen-Party), Isb esh'Aruunn (IH, Harunn-Party), Aglyawa Slamyawa (AS, Islamic Values), and Isb esh-Eragyaau (IY, Yeraguyau-Party). Current seat division: IAA 18, NID 16, OID 15, IS 10, INH 3, IK 3, IH 2, SAH 2, AS 1, and IY 1. Since 2019 and again in 2023, the government coalition consists of NID, OID, and IS.
Head of state
: president Hupilulyum Yepreshias (since 2015)
Head of government: prime minister Aames Ugshyaneu (NID, since 2019)
Foreign affairs minister: Ibreu Saashoon (NID, since 2015)
International organisations: Harrawi is a member of AU, ADB, AL (observer), ExC, FAO, FICT, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IMF, IMO, Interpol, ITU, ITUC, NAM, OIC, OPEC, OPCW, UN, WHO, WMO, WToO, WTrO
ExC Permanent Representative: Abdul Lanuyau (since 2016)
FICT Ambassador:
Muwat Shonshuu Yusuuf (since 2015)


© Harrawi is a fictional country whose creator doesn't accept responsibility for any consequences resulting from naive people believing otherwise.