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Current data, valid as of 1 January 2024

Official name: Det Kynkriik fan Kroneborg (Kronenburgish); Het Koninkrijk Kronenburg (Dutch); 'The Kingdom of Kronenburg'
National holidays: (applying for Kronenburg proper)
     1st Friday of February ('Promulgation Day'; opening of the parliamental year)
     1st of June (departure of the U.S. occupational forces from Kronenburg in 1947)
     16 November (birthday of king Ernst I Frederik)
: Zoo is Kronenburg - text by J. Hermsen (1789 - 1856), original music by Harmon Ferwerda (1793 - 1877), most popular and frequently used setting by M.J. Hansema (1870 - 1959)

Form of government
: constitutional monarchy
: Alexanderstead / Alexanderstad
Administrative divisions: four elements (Kronenburg proper, West-Cod, The White Islands, The Kronenburg Virgin Islands); Kronenburg proper is divided in sixteen municipalities, including the overseas municipality of New-Stavoren.
Head of state: king Ernst I Frederik, since 24 September 2010, represented by King's Governors in the three smaller Elements:
 • West-Cod: h. exc. Hylke Fopma Tadema, since 1 January 2023
 • The White Islands: h. exc. Magnus Andringa, since 1 December 2023
 • The Virgin Islands: h. exc. Pernille Dykstra-Vantassel (f), since 20 March 2020
Parliament:   - before 1 January 2016:
• Kronenburg proper: a bicameral institution consisting of the Noordkamer (house of representatives, 175 members) and the Zuidkamer (senate, 81 members). This situation continues until the end of the current session of the Noordkamer, after which the new situation will be effective.
 • The overseas provinces of the White Islands and the Kronenburg Virgin Islands had their own parliaments.
Parliament: - after 1 January 2016:
 • The entire Kingdom: a unicameral institution consisting of the Zuidkamer (25 members; 11 from Kronenburg proper, 6 from West-Cod, 4 from the White Islands, and 4 from the Virgin Islands)
 • Kronenburg proper: a bicameral institution consisting of the Noordkamer (house of representatives, 101 members) and the Westkamer (34 members).
 • The Elements of West-Cod, the White Islands and the Kronenburg Virgin Islands each have their own parliaments.
Head of government:
 • Kronenburg proper: prime minister Tjebco C. Bomans (LKP), since 16 March 2023
 • West-Cod: prime minister Anders Robertson (LKP), since 24 November 2023
 • The White Islands: prime minister Douglas O'Keeffe (WEG), since 4 January 2019
 • The Virgin Islands: prime minister Tom Hansen (Zelf / Selv), since 18 October 2018
Minister of foreign affairs:
 • Kronenburg proper: Grahame Nauta (NCD), since 16 March 2023
Membership of international organisations: United Nations (1973), OAS (1984), Commonwealth of Nations (1989), WTO (1991), AGL (1999), WHO (2000), the Exumbran Convention (2012), and others. Not all Elements are members of all organisations.

: 10,215,239 (est. 1-1-2024), divided in:
 • Kronenburg proper: 10,072,748
 • West-Cod: 101,326
 • The White Islands: 23,323
 • The Virgin Islands: 17,841
Population density
: KBP: 1,562.89 inh/km2 (est. 1-1-2024)
Growth rate
: KBP: 0.93%, WCD: -0.24%, WHI: 0.40%, KVI: 0.54% (2023)
Life expectancy: male 77.4, female 80.1 years
Top 5 cities (in Kronenburgish and Dutch + inhabitants)
 • Alexanderstead / Alexanderstad (2,517,332)
 • Friiskeborg / Friescheburg (1,574,893)
 • Noordein / Noordeinde (918,112)
 • Marianne (754,333)
 • Wetteborg / Waterburg (526,943)
 • in Kronenburg: Kronenburgish, Dutch (official), English (on West-Cod)
 • on New-Stavoren: Dutch (official), Kronenburgish dialects
 • on the White Islands: Dutch (official), Icelandic, Gaelic dialects, mixed dialects
 • on the Virgin Islands: Dutch, Danish (official), Negro-Dutch, English
Literacy: >99%
Religions: Lutheran (54%), Roman Catholic (21%), Anglican (11%), Judaism (7%)
 • Royal University (founded in 1712 in Kronenburg-City, now located in Alexanderstad)
 • Dansk Universitet (Danish University, founded in 1744 in Denestad)
 • University of Technology 'Kornelis Frankema' (founded in 1949 in Waterburg)
 • University of Law and Arts (founded in 2004 in Alexanderstad)

: 6,571.81 km2 (excl. West-Cod, The White Islands, The Virgin Islands)
Highest mountain
: Kolonistenpiek (103 m)
Climate: moderate climate with rain in all seasons
Average temperature in January and July: 0°C, 20°C
Average quantity of rain: 1000 - 1500 mm a year

: $554.38 billion ($55,038 per capita) (2023)
Currency: Kronenburg Guilder ('Geoldne' / 'Gulden', KBG)
     1 KBG = $ 0.2114 (1 January 2021)
     1 KBG = € 0.1737 (1 January 2021)
     1 KBG = £ 0.1546 (1 January 2021)
Inflation: 10.02% (2023)
Unemployment: 5.2% (2023)
Working population: agriculture (6.8%), industry (23.6%), services (69.6%)
Export: chemical products, technological products, provisions, raw materials
Import: oil, technological produts, cars, provisions, raw materials
Main partners: United States, Canada, European Union
Main businesses: BT (Bylsma-Tadema, warehouse since 1921), Corona (telecommunications), BartholomeVis (fish processing), Nationale Handelsbank, Van der Meer Verzekeringen (insurance), Andersen (editor), Hobbema Meubels (furniture), SwaBo (media), O3-Investments, HoliDeal (touroperator)
Main newspapers: Kronenburger Bode (1744), Dagbladet af Dansted (1756), Friescheburgsche Courant (1803), Nieuwe Oosterlandsche Courant (1894), Binnenlands Dagblad (1948), Det Kroneborgsk Neisblat (news in the Kronenburg language, 2002. Until 2011 under the name It Kronenbörgsk Nysblad)

Time zone
: UTC -4.30. Kronenburg doesn't have daylight saving time