The Kingdom of Voskia • E Regnu jé Voschie

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Map of Voskia (click on image for a larger version)



The Kingdom of Voskia (Voskian: E Regnu jé Voschie) is an island kingdom in the Mediterranean. Originally colonised by Phoenicians, it fell to the Roman republic around 210 BCE. It switched hands regularly between the 9th and 14th centuries, when it became part of the Republic of Venice. From 1794 on, it was subsequently conquered by the French, the Ottomans, and then the British, who first established a protectorate and then a kingdom in personal union with the United Kingdom under George III (Jorju I). Accepting only male primogeniture and excluding the Hanover branch, the line of succession eventually fell to George III's eighth son Octavius (Ottaviu), whose descendants form the country's present royal family.

Voskia is recognisable because of its 'boomerang' shape. Its closest neighbours are Italy to the north, Greece to the east, Libya to the south, and Malta and Tunisia to the west. It has altitudes up to 1877 metres (the highest mountain is the Arsece) which are connected by lower lying strips of land. The country has a mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers.

Voskia is less developed in comparison to its neighbours Italy and Greece, and it is the last remaining Southern European country that hasn't joined the European Union yet; it applied to become a member in 2022. Voskia is a member of the international organisations the League of Geofictional Nations (AGL) and the Forum of International Cooperation and Trade (FICT).