Аџач Валтежіш Ефішіеље Вепсаітча • Adźać Valteźiś Efiśieĺe Vepsaitća • Official Website of the Adzhatian State

The State of Adzhatia is a parliamentary republic. The legislative is formed by the Dume (Думча), which has 160 members. The executive consists of the president and the government, the latter of which is headed by a prime minister. Since the president has a largely ceremonial function, the largest amount of political power is invested in the prime minister. Presidential and parliamentary elections are held every four years.

The Adzhatian A.S.S.R. was officially founded on 1 December 1950. Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn was appointed Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet ('President'). Not many eventful things happened in Adzhatia until 1979, when Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn openly requested the promotion of the A.S.S.R. into an S.S.R. Since however S.S.R.'s had the (theoretical) constitutional right to secede from the Soviet Union, the request was declined out of fear that the strategical island with its large military capacity would gain independence and fall into the hands of NATO.

Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn was replaced as Chairman of the Presidium in 1982. His successor Vadim Erkŏhśŭn died however unexpectedly after two years and Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn was restored to power, only for himself to die in 1986. His brother Pjotaŕ Iĺicśŭn was appointed Chairman of the Presidium. Under his rule, nationalist movements gained influence and lead the country into independence in 1990 and 1991. Pjotaŕ Iĺicśŭn however died in the process.

The newly independent country elected Miheĺ Pjotarśŭn, Pjotaŕ Iĺicśŭn's son, as its first president. Soon however, he provd somewhat dictatorial and although elections were organised regularly and human rights weren't violated on a large scale, it seemed to be impossible to elect someone else as president, and nothing significant changed during his rule from 1990 to 2004. Miheĺ Pjotarśŭn was deposed in what seemed a short revolution, but it turned out later that he had been bought out. Due to this, several coup d'états took place in the two years that followed, with one party even turning the country in a constitutional monarchy for ten days. The climax of this situation took place in November 2005, after which the republic was restored.

In 2006, the current constitution was adopted, in which the role of the head of state (president) was reduced to a largely ceremonial one. The head of government (prime minister) became the main figure of the executive power.

The Dume
The legislative power is formed by a unicameral parliament, the Dume (Думе 'Parliament' or Думча 'The Parliament') which consists of 160 members. 115 of those are elected at least every four years by proportional representation. The other 45 are elected by means of a district system, using the Single Transferable Vote system. While the 115 proportionally elected members of parliament can be sacked before the end of their four year terms, this is not possible for the 45 regionally elected members: their mandates expire after four years and none of the representatives elected by regional representation can be elected in the same manner again. They may however be re-elected for one of the 115 proportional seats. Should a regionally elected member of the Dume die or resign, he will not be replaced but until the next elections for the regional seats.

The Judiciary
The present judicial system of Adzhatia took its form after a series of changes to the constitution and other laws between 1991 and 2006. There are Courts of First Instance (Прање Інстанціаіса Ґове), a Court of Appeal (Апелаціан Ґофцу), a Supreme Court (Мапѳішт Ґофцу), and a Constitutional Court (Кенстітуціан Ґофцу). The Supreme Court is divided in a civil and a criminal section.

Every district has a Court of First Instance, with small annexes in remote villages; these may only treat minor cases. The Supreme and the Constitutional Courts are both in Ashtinok, but the Court of Appeal is located in Kercei. Normal judges are appointed for life by the president after being nominated by the Special Commission of Magistrates; the president cannot choose and appoint candidates of his own choice.

The Constitutional Court consists of seven judges; two are directly appointed by the Special Commission of Magistrates, two by the president, two by the Dume and one by the district governors together. The judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for life in principle, but after ten years a judge may be removed if three of the four parties that appoint the judges for the Constitutional Court (i.e. the Special Commission of Magistrates, the president, the Dume, and the district governors together) find that a judge is no longer serving the country's best interest. A judge may decide to step down for health reasons at all times.

There is an ongoing public debate whether or not the two remaining members of the Constitutional Court that were appointed before the 2004 revolution should be replaced, as both the Dume and the Special Commission of Magistrates were in practice heavily influenced by the president. However, the judges appointed in 1998 were allowed to remain on their posts after ten years; by 2020, there were only two of them left.

The current seven judges of the Constitutional Court are:
- Aśvĕĺ Eśka (since 1998, appointed by the Dume)
- Konstantiń Ĕćuńź (since 1998, appointed by the Special Commission of Magistrates)
- Konstantiń Popŏv (since 2007, appointed by the Dume)
- Đĕdrik Lulije (since 2007, appointed by President Grigeŕ Maććok)
- Albert Popuvănskie (since 2007, appointed by the district governors)
- Feliks Mĕśićek (since 2013, appointed by the Special Commission of Magistrates)
- Viktoŕe Treśiħin-Ŕŭnak (f) (since 2016, appointed by President Kataŕine Matuś-Ħememiemei)

Administrative division
Since 1 September 2013, Adzhatia has been divided in twelve districts (краізж, singular краіс), which replaced the nine districts that had existed since the country's independence. Although the districts have their own parliaments that are elected through regular elections, they are governed by District Governors, who are appointed by the Minister of Domestic Affairs. The District Governors appoint the members of the District Government; these members can be dismissed by a majority of their District Parliaments, whereas the District Governor can only be sacked by the Minister.

District Capital Governors In office
Kŏpunceźiś Krais Aśtinok Juvan Aćańuk (S)
Vladimiŕ Kristjanson (S)
Elene Balakausok (A, f)
2013 - 2018
2018 - 2023
2023 -
Văŕtiaisa Krais Kosegińdrăt Ereh Vantanen (A)
Karoĺ Śugviŕ (A)
Igoŕ Śveinśŭn (S)
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2020
2020 -
Ćandeisa Krais Huśte Karoĺ Raikonen (S)
Ĺŭdmiĺĺe Lacaŕ-Ozereź (S, f)
2013 - 2023
2023 -
Kerceźiś Krais Kercei Kataŕine Prac-Lukaśevskie (A, f)
Ŭria Oðurvei (S)
2013 - 2017
2017 -
Pruteźiś Krais Pruteilăć Elene Śaporŏv-Maðiasśŭn (S, f)
Isăk Toŕŕek (S)
2013 - 2015
2015 -
Ŭceisa Krais Alidaŕ Aśvĕĺ Bukaćĕvskie (S)
Bohatiŕ Ceivek (B)
2013 - 2017
2017 -
Śaiń Ćŭŕdveźiś Krais Ćŭŕdveź Nikola Tercvićei (A)
Jukkid Barħcek (S, f)
Ħarman Juvanśŭn (S)
2013 - 2016
2016 - 2021
2021 -
Drezeń Ćŭŕdveźiś Krais Orvŭb Ăŕseń Beĺĺik (Ŏ/Ĕ)
Nikita Źeŕbacei (A)
2013 - 2023
2023 -
Drezeń Valaźiś Krais Barhveź Anatoĺ Kolodub (A)
Konstantiń Tărpa (S)
2013 - 2023
2023 -
Ĕnćev Valaźiś Krais Ħŭŕć Astrid Kŭćma (B, f)
Irine Varcħvavei (S, f)
2013 - 2022
2022 -
Śaiń Valaźiś Krais Ŏvanalăć Nikita Cħvort (A)
Naemie Ŭćańśvei-Kĕcĕmei (S)
2013 - 2023
2023 -
Driă Sarăm Krais Takaĺ Vitaĺ Matuś (A)
Valeŕ Śŏdź (B)
2013 - 2019
2019 -



Current seat division of the Dume
The last elections for the 115 proportional seats of the Dume took place on 15 May 2021; the next elections will take place no later than 10 May 2025.

The last elections for the 45 regional seats of hte Dume took place on 24 September 2022; the next elections will take place on 26 September 2026.

party ('(r)' = ruling party) prop. '21 reg. '22 total
Secializdźiś (r) socialdemocrats 50 19 69
Bloc-Ħĭnzei conservatives 19 18 37
ĔAP (r) centre-left, Europeanists 22 1 23
AVŎD liberals 13 2 15
NKP communists 4 1 5
DZ-P environmentalists 2 2
IA Pro-Russians 2 2
PDA conservative christians 2 2
TF far right populists 1 1
Regional parties mixed 4
TOTAL 115 45 160

Leaders and Heads of State of Adzhatia
Before 1990, the leader of the Adzhatian A.S.S.R. was known as the 'Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Adzhatian A.S.S.R.' When the country became independent in 1990, the Heads of State had several designations: 'President of the Adzhatian Republic', 'Head of the Adzhatian State', 'King of Adzhatia', and finally 'President of the Adzhatian State'. In the table below, these are indicated with 'cpss', 'par', 'has', 'k', and 'pas'.

According to the 2006 constitution, the President of the Adzhatian State is elected by the Adzhatian people in one round of voting, in which the voters may give up to five preference votes (or less, if there are less than five candidates). If, after counting the first preference votes, no candidate has obtained more than 50% of the votes, the candidate with the least amount of votes will leave the race and the second preference votes of the first preference votes that were in favour of that candidate, will be distributed among the other candidates. This procedure is repeated until a candidate has obtained more than 50% of the votes.

Leader or Head of State took office left office party
A Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn 01 12 1950 29 03 1982 AKP
B Vadim Erkŏhśŭn 29 03 1982 17 07 1984 AKP
(A) Miheĺ Iĺicśŭn (2nd term) 18 07 1984 09 03 1986 AKP
C Pjotaŕ Iĺicśŭn 13 03 1986 27 09 1990 AKP
1 Miheĺ Pjotarśŭn (par) 02 10 1990 18 06 2004 AKP
2 Ereh Ħĭnzei (par) 08 08 2004 09 06 2005 AVŎD
3 Ăŕva Ośŕoncei (has) 09 06 2005 19 11 2005 'Opposition'
4 Miheĺ I (k) 19 11 2005 29 11 2005 -
(2) Ereh Ħĭnzei (par, 2nd term) 29 11 2005 07 10 2006 AVŎD
5 Grigeŕ Maććok (pas) 07 10 2006 09 10 2010 -
6 Ăŕva Bekina (pas) 09 10 2010 11 10 2014 -
7 Kataŕine Matuś-Ħememiemei (pas, f, 2x) 11 10 2014 08 10 2022 AVŎD
8 Astrid Kŭćma (pas, f) 08 10 2022 incumbent B-Ħ

Prime Ministers of Adzhatia
The office of prime minister was created in 2004, but abolished between 9 June and 19 November 2005.

Prime Minister took office left office party
1 Valentiń Lăńkaĺ 18 06 2004 07 06 2005 AVŎD
2 Pekka Cirpăń 07 06 2005 09 06 2005 AVŎD
3 Ăŕva Ośŕoncei 19 11 2005 29 11 2005 'Opposition'
- Adriań Hićrecei (acting) 30 11 2005 14 03 2006 -
4 Ŕanije Erijeź (f, acting until 30/09/2006) 14 03 2006 21 10 2007 Sec.
5 Ereh Ħĭnzei 21 10 2007 16 04 2010 B-Ħ
(4) Ŕanije Erijeź (f, 2nd term) 16 04 2010 13 09 2011 Sec.
6 Galine Pańńiub-Koka (f) 13 09 2011 29 09 2011 ĔŚ
- Ăŕva Tŭle (acting) 29 09 2011 30 12 2011 AVŎD
7 Eigĕń Hameen (3 terms) 30 12 2011 14 08 2013 Sec.
14 08 2013 20 05 2016
20 05 2016 31 08 2017
- Vitaĺ Ăħcevei (acting) 31 08 2017 12 09 2017 Sec.
(4) Ŕanije Erijeź (f, 3rd & 4th terms) 12 09 2017 15 06 2021 Sec.
15 06 2021 incumbent

The Government
Currently, the government is a coalition of Secializdźiś (S) and Ĕrobaće-Adźaće Partića (Ĕ), which has been in office since 15 June 2021. It consists of the following ministers:

Ŕanije Erijeź (S) - Prime Minister
Seńie Burćak-Vecħevei (S) - Minister of Domestic Affairs
Beris Akaććik (Ĕ) - Minister of Defence
Feliks Balakśin (Ĕ) - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Alikśia Dźerdźiĕv (S) - Minister of Economic Affairs, Trade, and Industry
Maðias Ŕaskeź (Ĕ) - Minister of Budget
Ăŕseń Riććek (S) - Minister of Finance
Ŭria Torceń (Ĕ) - Minister of Justice
Erkŏh Muŕgia (S) - Minister of Democratic Affairs
Ărva Kralik (S) - Minister of Public Health
Jukkid Partijek-Ostak (Ĕ) - Minister of Social Affairs
Juŕ Leitićek (S) - Minister of Traffic
Naemie Oleŕ-Berk (Ĕ) - Minister of Communication, Internet, and Social Media
Juŕ Ustinŏv (S) - Minister of Culture and Tourism
Măććeib Gora (S) - Minister of Disaster Management
Orez Taŕćek-Ĺenideź (S) - Minister of Housing
Adriań Ukcveŕ (S) - Minister of Spatial Planning
Śvein-Ereh Maććok (Ĕ) - Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Vere Mateus (S) - Minister of Society and the Environment
Zăre Karmak-Ħaŕŕiuń (S) - Minister of Fisheries
Ăŕseń Păńćenka (S) - Minister of Education

Chairpeople of the Dume

Chairperson took office left office party
1 Ereh Ikijeć 19 12 1990 10 10 1991 PŎA
2 Vassiĺ Guŕćvei 10 10 1991 12 10 1995 AKP
3 Grigeŕ Eńńa 12 10 1995 01 06 2004 AKP
4 Grigeŕ Aśvuei 01 06 2004 27 09 2007 Sec.
5 Fabiań Ovać 27 09 2007 08 04 2010 B-Ħ
6 Ăŕva Tŭle 08 04 2010 01 12 2011 AVŎD
- Ilja Juvanśŭn (acting for Tŭle) 29 09 2011 01 12 2011 PŎA
7 Śvein Ćŭrupa 01 12 2011 06 09 2012 Sec.
8 Eve Ħrăħ (f, acting until 12/09/2012) 06 09 2012 30 01 2017 ĔŚ
9 Ćĕnza Jorvak 30 01 2017 03 07 2017 AVŎD
10 Vladislaf Endis 03 07 2017 incumbent Sec.