Forum for International Cooperation and Trade

The 23rd General Assembly of FICT was held in Yeovil, New Courland (18 May 2024) • Ms Manwela Tambarsarya replaces Mr Alwisyu Tanwahu as ambassador from Kaupelan to FICT and becomes Secretary General (21 March 2024) • The 22nd General Assembly of FICT was held in Vítgarð, Yukland (4 November 2023) • Ms Franka Klattenhoff-Reinders replaces Mr Johannes Oberlinga as ambassador from Kronenburg to FICT (1 November 2023) • Mr Thimard Bonamy (RI) becomes Secretary General (21 September 2023) • The 21st General Assembly of FICT was held in Laxarmai, Voskia (5 May 2023) • Mr Erkŏh Bĕŕćek replaces Mr Saŭĺ Cħvĕŕiśek as ambassador from Adzhatia to FICT (1 April 2023)

The location of FICT nations in the world

Secretary General: Ms Manwela Tambarsarya (KP) since 21 March 2024
Vice Secretary General: Ms Franka Klattenhoff-Reinders (KB) since 21 March 2024
Next General Assembly: May 2024 in Yeovil, New Courland

Forum for International Cooperation and Trade
Anjelina Wailihai Street, 1946
102.098 - Purikali
Phone (5) 263 5349



25 June 2011

2 May 2015

Île de Romanhe
27 June 2012

25 June 2011

10 November 2019

Republic of MAS
2 May 2015

New Courland
2 May 2015

25 June 2011

27 June 2012

25 June 2011

25 June 2011
The Forum for International Cooperation and Trade (FICT), is an international organisation of a number of small countries in several corners of the world and was founded on 25 June 2011 in the city of Purikali, the capital of the Kingdom of Kaupelan. FICT aims to foster and improve economic, scientific, and cultural development in, and cooperation and trade between its member states by means of the (facilitation of) trade agreements, the promotion of tourism and improvement of traffic of people through a visa agreement, and cultural exchange.

As of 1 January 2022, FICT has eleven member states: the State of Adzhatia, the Democratic Republic of Harrawi, the Republic of Île de Romanhe, the Kingdom of Kaupelan, the Kingdom of Kronenburg, the Republic of Maysoran, Algheran and Shaoran (MAS), the Duchy of New Courland, the Republic of Tarmorya, the Kingdom of Voskia, the Republic of Yutyrama, and the Republic of Yutyrama.

News about FICT is published on this website; headlines about the member states can also be found on the facebook news page The FICT Observer.
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