Forum for International Cooperation and Trade

New Courland, officially the Duchy of New Courland, is a country in the Caribbean, close to Trinidad and Tobago. Originally a colony of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (together with a part of Tobago), it was occupied by several other colonial powers, including the Dutch and the Spanish, before it became part of the British Empire in 1814 as part of the Trinidad and Tobago colony; the main island of New Courland was renamed 'Carolina'. In the interbellum and after the second world war, many Latvians and Lithuanians settled on Carolina and when the colony became independent in 1962, Carolina left Trinidad and Tobago, forming its own duchy within the Commonwealth of Nations.

Area: 450 km2
Inhabitants: 168,978 (est. 1/1/2024)
Density: 375.51 inh/km2
City top five (with inhabitants):
  ▪ Louise Charlotte (63,015)
  ▪ Zelta Kalni (30,073)
  ▪ Yeovil (14,571)
  ▪ Penllergaer (8,023)
  ▪ Jauna Piltene (4,101)
Languages: English (official), Latvian, Spanish, Lithuanian, African and South Asian languages, Carib, French, Welsh, etc.
Religions: Evangelical Lutheranism (28.4%), Anglicanism (28.3%), Roman Catholicism (17.9%), Hinduism (7.9%), Islam (5.1%).
Universities: Louise Charlotte (founded in 1963)
Official holidays: 15 September
National anthem: "Be true my fatherland", written in 1964 by Orwell Baynes

Official name: Duchy of New Courland
Form of government: constitutional monarchy
Independence: 1962
Capital: Louise Charlotte
Administrative division: eight municipalities
Head of state: Duke Charles (= King Charles III of the United Kingdom, since 2022), represented by a Governor-General; the incumbent is Sir Satyavant Bhandare (since 2013)
Parliament: unicameral parliament of 29 members called the 'Diet'
Political parties: Progress and Development Party (PDP), Conservative Party (CP), Social Consideration Party (SCP), and Labour Party (LP) currently have seats in the Diet.
Head of government: Herbert Dalrymple (CP, since 2023)
Minister of foreign affairs: Hugo Ochoa (CP, since 2023)

Member of FICT: since 2 May 2015
Member of other organisations: United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations, Caricom, OAS, and others
Ambassador to FICT: Mr Archibald Gibbs (since 1 November 2020)
Diplomatic relations with FICT member states:
  ▪ Adzhatia: Ms Olīvija Sandiforda-Ozola (based in Riga, Latvia)
  ▪ Harrawi: Ms Natālija Mauriņa
  ▪ Île de Romanhe: Ms Natālija Mauriņa (based in Oryaa, Harrawi)
  ▪ Kaupelan: Mr Archibald Gibbs (also accredited for FICT)
  ▪ Kronenburg: Ms Barbara O'Brien-Vizgird (based in Washington DC, United States)
  ▪ Republic of MAS: Ms Natālija Mauriņa (based in Oryaa, Harrawi)
  ▪ Tarmorya: Ms Natālija Mauriņa (based in Oryaa, Harrawi)
  ▪ Voskia: Mr Juan-Marcelo Capelán (based in Brussels, Belgium)
  ▪ Yukland: Mr Juan-Marcelo Capelán (based in Brussels, Belgium)
  ▪ Yutyrama: Mr Mantvid Bogg

Highest mountain: Mount Elizabeth (815 m)
Climate: tropical monsoon climate
Av. temperature in January and July: 26°C, 27°C
Av. quantity of rain: 1000-2300 mm a year
Time zone: UTC -4. New Courland has no daylight saving.

GDP: $3.43 billion = $20,308 per capita (2023)
Currency: Thaler, divided in 100 Groats; 1 Thaler = $0.33 (2021)
Inflation: 4.6% (2023)
Unemployment: 2.8% (2023)
Working population: agriculture 9.1%; industry 40.4%; services 50.5%
Export: petroleum (products), LNG, ethanol, steel products, cereal (products), sugar, cocoa, coffee, citrus fruit, vegetables, flowers
Import: machinery, transportation equipment, manufactured goods, food, chemicals, live animals
Main partners: USA, EU, South American nations, China, Canada
Main businesses:

Main newspapers: New Courland Observer, the Louise Charlotte Daily, the Voice of New Courland
Main television channels:
Internet extension: .dn
Car code: DNC