Website of the Kingdom of Kemedal • Gwefan y Frenhiniaeth y Cymoedd

The Royal Armed Forces of Kemedal (Kemese: Y LLuoedd Arfog Brenhinol y Cymoedd, LlABC) are the overall unified military of the Kingdom of Kemedal, encompassing the Royal Army of Kemedal (Y Fyddin Frenhinol y Cymoedd, FBC), the Royal Navy of Kemedal (Y Llynges Frenhinol y Cymoedd, LlBC), the Kemedalian Air Force (Y Llu Awyr Cymig, LlAC), and the Kemedalian Military Staff (Y Staff Milwrol Cymig, SMC), all of which fall under the Defence Ministry. The LlABC were formed after the acquisition of full independence of Kemedal in 302. The King of Kemedal is the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military, although in practice these powers are executed through the Grand Minister and the Minister of Defense.

The LlABC consist of around 450,000 troops including 49,000 civilians. The LlABC is a semi-professional army, with military draft existing only for the FBC; civilians who choose to pursue a military career in either of the other branches of the LlABC however, are exempted from military draft.

To be elaborated