Website of the Kingdom of Kemedal • Gwefan y Frenhiniaeth y Cymoedd

The Kingdom of Kemedal is a parliamentary representative democratic monarchy with a multi-party system. The legislative power is vested in both the government and the Siambr y Taleithiau (Chamber of States). The executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislative.

Diplomatic relations
Click here to go to the list of embassies and consulates of the Kingdom of Kemedal.

The Monarchy
When Kemedal and Ansonia merged in 322, the Royal Council was created, of which the former monarchs of the two countries are both members. The Royal Council itself acts as the nation's 'head of state' with the Kemedalian monarch chairing it in the odd months and the Ansonian monarch in the even months. Currently the Royal Council is formed by King Iestyn III of Kemedal and Queen Emma of Ansonia.

Although the Royal Council is the head of state, it has mainly symbolic power, whereas the real power lies with the government. The Royal House of Kemedal is the family of Lowarch. The functions of the Royal Council are mainly ceremonial but it has influence as the symbol of national unity. Although the constitution of 322 AP grants important executive powers to the Royal Council, these are always exercised by the Cabinet in the name of the Royal Council. The Royal Council is, also symbolically, Supreme Commander of the armed forces of Kemedal.

Rulers of Kemedal (House of Lowarch)
   024 - 038   Ieuan I, Duke of Kemedal
   038 - 074   Ieuan II, Duke of Kemedal, after 51 AP Grand-Duke of Kemedal
   074 - 082   Aerona (f), Grand-Duchess of Kemedal
   082 - 125   Grigor I, Grand-Duke of Kemedal
   125 - 138   Idwal, Grand-Duke of Kemedal
   138 - 172   Grigor II, Grand-Duke of Kemedal
   172 - 206   Caerwyn I, Grand-Duke, after 173 AP King of Kemedal
   206 - 213   Iestyn I, King of Kemedal
   213 - 244   Gwendolen (f), Queen of Kemedal
   244 - 254   Caerwyn II, King of Kemedal
   254 - 299   Iestyn II, King of Kemedal (from 296 to 299 in exile)
   299 - 300   Iestyn III, King of Kemedal (from 299 to 302 in exile)

Rulers of Ansonia
   0-49 - 0-42    Peter II
   0-42 - 0-18    Peter III
   0-18 - 0-30    Peter IV
   0-30 - 0-33    Thomas I
   0-33 - 0-59    Roger III
   0-59 - 0-65    Peter V
   0-65 - 0-70    Alfred III
   0-70 - 0-76    Alfred IV
   0-76 - 0-89    Blanche (f)
   0-89 - -101    Peter VI
   -101 - -105    Peter VII
   -105 - -131    Alfred V
   -131 - -132    Geoffrey
   -132 - -140    Luke
   -140 - -160    Edward II
   -160 - -225    Margareth (f)
   -225 - -228    Edward III
   -228 - -250    Thomas II
   -250 - -289    Alfred VI
   -289 - -302    Edward IV
   -302 - -320    Edward V
   -320 - -000    Emma (f)

The current King of Kemedal was born on 26 September 251 as prince Iestyn, the eldest son of the Duke and Duchess of Gwaun. When he was two years old, his uncle king Caerwyn II died childless and his father succeeded him as king Iestyn II. Upon his 18th birthday in 269, prince Iestyn was created Grand Duke of Aberban. Nine years later he married Lady Llinos of Brogarw, with whom he has three children: the Grand Duke of Aberban (Prince Iestyn, born 279), the Duchess of Gwaun (Princess Gwendolen, born 282), and the Duke of Treweision (Prince Eurig, born 285).

Queen Emma of Ansonia was born in 300 as the second child and oldest daughter of then Crown Prince Edward (later King Edward V) and Crown Princess (later Queen) Angela. Although her older brother, also named Edward, was supposed to inherit the crown, the machinations of Prime Minister Dr Salton to create a casus belli to invade Kemedal lead to the deaths of King Edward V and the Crown Prince, and later also to those of Queen Angela and Queen Emma's younger sister Eleanor in 320 and 321, resulting in Emma remaining as the only member of the Royal family to succeed as Queen. As Queen Emma isn't married yet and doesn't have any children, the presumptive heir of the Ansonian crown is King Iestyn III of Kemedal.

Click here to see a family tree of the royal families of Kemedal and Ansonia.

Titles of the Kemedalian Royal Family:
 - the Grand Duke/Duchess of Aberban: reserved for the heir apparent if this is the son or daughter of the ruling monarch. While the wife of a Grand Duke of Aberban can be called Grand Duchess (consort) of Aberban, the husband of a Grand Duchess of Aberban is simply called Duke (consort) of Aberban, without the Grand.
 - the Duke/Duchess of Gwaun: usually reserved for the second son or daughter of a ruling monarch. This title is given upon marriage and kept even when the holder is not the second son or daughter of the ruling monarch anymore following the latter's death.
 - the Duke/Duchess of Treweision: usually reserved for the third son or daughter of a ruling monarch. This title is given upon marriage and kept even when the holder is not the second son or daughter of the ruling monarch anymore following the latter's death.
 - the Earl of Caerwrthefyr: usually reserved for the eldest son of the heir apparent.
 - the Lady of Castell Trefferm: usually reserved for the eldest daughter of the heir apparent.
 - the Earl or Countess of Hannerffordd: a shared title usually reserved for the second and third sons and daughters of a ruling monarch if the previous holder of the title hasn't died yet, given to them upon marriage.
 - the Earl or Countess of Brynoren: a shared title usually reserved for the second or third children of the heir apparent who are not the eldest son or daughter, given to them upon marriage.
 - Earl or Countess of the Realm: a shared titel usually reserved for any descendant of the royal family through male line who doesn't have another title yet (in addition to 'Prince/Princess') and for any descendant of the royal family through female line whose father is at least a Duke.
 - Earl or Countess in the Realm: a shared title usually reserved for any descendant of the royal family through female line whose father is not at least a Duke.

The Cabinet
The Cabinet is formally convened by the reigning monarch. The Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and his fellow ministers who are formally appointed by the Royal Council. Parliamentarism entails that the Cabinet must not have the Chamber of States against it, and that the appointment by the Royal Council is a formality. The Cabinet must have the confidence of the Chamber of States. In practise, the monarch will ask the leader of a parliamentary block that has a majority in the Chamber to form a government.

Prime Ministers of Kemedal (322-present)
Since the merger of Ansonia and Kemedal, the following persons have been Prime Minister of Kemedal:
   322 - 322   James Hillmere (UBC) and Talfryn Bugall (UP/PDB) (transitional)
   322 - 327   James Hillmere (UBC)

Grand Ministers of Kemedal (302-322)
Since the Constitution of 302 AP came into effect, the following persons have been Grand Minister of Kemedal:
   303 - 313   Tomos Kedward (UBC)
   313 - 317   Alyn Hoells (PBD)
   317 - 318   Cadfael Dacus (PD)
   318 - 318   Winnifred Owens (f, PD, acting for sick Dacus)
   318 - 320   Eddie Otterburn (PBD)
   320 - 322   James Hillmere (UBC)

Prime Ministers of Ansonia (302-322)
From 302 to the merger with Kemedal in 322, the following persons have been Prime Minister of Ansonia:
   302 - 302   Boris Atkins (UfS, first time)
   302 - 303   David Caerchester (RP)
   303 - 304   Boris Atkins (UfS, second time)
   304 - 304   Robert Merriweather (RP)
   304 - 321   Dr. James Salton (RP)
   321 - 321   Robert Wynne (RP, acting)
   321 - 322   Talfryn Bugall (UP)

In accordance with article 24 of the 322 AP Constitution of Kemedal, the parliament of Kemedal consists of two chambers: the Lower Assembly (Y Cynulliad Isel) and the Higher Assembly (Y Cynulliad Uchel). The number of seats in the Lower Assembly is fixed at 601. These are split in fifteen constituencies to correspond with each of the fourteen States of Kemedal (Aberban, Bala, Ban a Chyffyr, Corwn, Cwm Llas, Yr Eint, Gwaun, Llanfarc, Llidiard, Yr Ôsceroedd, Pontegoch, Porthlong Danfor, Tir y Mid, and Yrs a Fford), which have 25 seats each, and one nation-wide constituency of 251 seats. The seats are divided among the parties using proportional representations. Elections occur at least every five years, with every seat up for re-election; the last election took place on 3 April 322 so the next election will take place on 28 March 327 at the latest. Members of the Lower Assembly must be at least 21 years old and resident in Kemedal, have Kemese citizenship and full political and civil rights within Kemedal.

The first election of 3 April 322 (merged Kemedal) was won by the Monarchist Union (UBC), which is set to form a coalition with the Liberal Party (PRh) and the Democratic Party (PD), which means that it will in essence be a continuation of the pre-merger government of Kemedal. The new government took however longer to form than expected and it was finally installed on Friday 21 October 322.

The Higher Assembly consists of 69 members, who are appointed by the Royal Council after being nominated by the State governments.

Click here to go to the seat divisions and government compositions of the pre-322 Kingdom of Kemedal.

Chairpeople of the Lower Assembly
   322 - 327   Aneirin Griffiths-Ifans (f, UBC)

The seat division since the election of 322 AP
Party States Nation Total
Undeb y Brenhinwyr y Cymoedd (UBC)
Monarchist Union of Kemedal
130 95 225
Plaid Flaengar Ddemocrataidd (PBD)
Progressive Democratic Party
94 69 163
Plaid Ryddfrydol (PRh)
Liberal Party
35 29 64
Plaid Werinaethol (PG)
Republican Party
33 25 58
Plaid Ddemocrataidd (PD)
Democratic Party
18 19 37
Plaid Fwrofwr (PB)
Burovian Party / Plaid Fwrofwr
12 14 26
Plaid Sosialaidd (PS)
Socialist Party
13 0 13
Plaid Pobl Werdd (PPW)
Green People's Party
8 0 8
Undeb Undod (UU)
Union for Solidarity
3 0 3
Plaid Cyfiawnder a Thwf (PCT)
Justice and Development Party
3 0 3
Plaid Wrth-Niwclear (PGN)
Anti-Nuclear Party
1 0 1
  350 251 601

Cabinets of Kemedal since 322
0 322 - present
0 UBC + PRh + PD
Prime Minister James Hillmere (m)
Domestic Affairs Adam Llyfachan (m)
Foreign Affairs Andreas Bithell (m)
Finance Mabel Harlow-Parry (f)
Defence Terwyn Walsh (m)
Trade and Industry Ieuan Gafr-Ddanas (m)
Agriculture and Food Cadeyrn Grifith (m)
Education Gareth Beddoe (m)
Justice Ffransis Priddau (m)
National Security Ceinwen Palin-Hier (f)
Culture and Sports Denis Amor (m)
Religious Affairs Agatha Wynne (f)
Housing Myfanwy Isylloe (f)
Regional Planning Claire Rhys-Jones (f)
Traffic and Transport Mari Traharn-Beynon (f)
Communication and IT Haul Williams (m)
Natural Resources and Energy Ithel Ffaunas (m)
Research and Development Sawyl Siwthern (m)
Health and Social Affairs Glenys Brodd-Ofaerth (f)
Employment Isaac Hughes (m)
State Affairs Myrddin Colins (m)

The Judiciary
The Judiciary of the Kingdom of Kemedal is an independent branch of the government. It has three main divisions, all of which have distinct jurisdictions, defined by the revised constitution of 302 AP:
 - The Llys Cyfansoddiadol y Cymoedd / Constitutional Court of Kemedal only reviews cases involving the constitution.
 - The Llys Pen Gweinyddol / Supreme Administrative Court of Kemedal is the court of the highest authority on issues of procedural and administrative propriety. It also has jurisdiction over many political manners, such as the formation and closure of political parties, jurisdictional boundaries between government entities, and the elegibility of citizens to stand for public office.
 - The Regular courts, most prominently the Llys Pen Troseddol / Supreme Criminal Court of Kemedal, deal with matters of every day law. The division of this judical branch is perhaps the most complicated, being composed of superior, district, and regional courts located throughout Kemedal.

Military and intelligence
The main intelligence service of Kemedal is the SGDT or Swyddfa Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddiad Tramor, the 'Bureau of Foreign Information and Analysis'.
(To be expanded)

More about the Military can be found here.