Diplomatic relations are enjoyed between the various ICSA member
states and other nations on Vexillium. On the right is the official
diplomatic seal of the Smalik Treaty Organisation for Industrious
Cooperation (STOIC), which has merged the diplomatic missions of
its member states, as well as the independent seals of Black
Bowdani, Both Watches, Bbukes, and Sarigis that are used to
recognise the various diplomatic representations abroad. Nucani,
as a candidate member of STOIC, still has its own diplomatic
missions too, but these will be merged into those of STOIC once
the country joins the organisation.
All member states of ICSA have also been members of the United
Nations of Vexillium: Tak since 315; Bëltse, Coare, Gen, Vaara,
and the Western Shore since 316; and Black Bowdani, White Bowdani,
Both Watches, Bbukes, Kencari, Nucani, Sarigis, and Three Cities
and the Cove since 318.
Inactive diplomatic seals
The diplomatic seals of Bëltse, Coare, Gen, Tak, Vaara,
and the Western Shore have been majoritarily inactive since these countries
merged their diplomatic activities under the umbrella of STOIC. The
diplomatic seal of the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples (LUKP) became
inactive when the nation ceased to exist.