Institute for Central Smalik Affairs • Rik Hə ti ƿɛPəə kə Em Hək Slt • Dillouh Sis-Smaliha Cowdee


Republic of Kencari

Official name: Destraddokappist Kencaree (Coastal Kencari), Distriddokappiost Kencari ha (Lake Kencari), 'The Republic of Kencari'
Pronunciation: ken-TSAH-ree
Demonym: Kencari
Regime: parliamentary republic
Establishment: 26 February 319 (secession from the LUKP)
National anthem: t.b.a.
National holidays: National Holiday (26 February), Day of the Kencari Peoples (30 April), Day of National Unity (12 October)

Population: 48,215,121 (1-1-325 est.)
- Growth: 1.29% (324)
- Density: t.b.a.
- Life expectancy: 70.9 years (men), 78.8 years (women)

Capital and largest city: Ddambbac

Ethnic groups: Ingallish, Kencari, Pocari, Tak, Flovaignian
Official language: Coastal and Lake Kencari
Administrative language: Ingallish
Other languages: North-Pocari, Tak, Flovaignian
Literacy: 95%
Religions: Orthodox Church of Bowdani (99%), other (1%)
Universities: University of Ddambbac, University of Ecboven, University of Bbiehddobú

Legislature: Parliament (444 members)

Head of State and Government: Prime Minister Alonis Ggowrun-Ceess (f, KMC, since 319)
Minister of foreign affairs: Ggädes Ustäre (f, NP, since 324)

Membership international organisations:
- United Nations of Vexillium, STOIC

Area: t.b.a.
Highest point: t.b.a.
Longest river: t.b.a.
Climate: temperate, oceanic
Time Zone: CMT -3

GDP (nominal): 435.46 billion (est. 324)
GDP (nominal) per capita: 9,032 (est. 324)
Currency: Kencari Suba
Inflation: 5.9% (324)
Unemployment: 9.1% (1-1-325 est.)
Working population:
- agriculture: 24.1%
- industry: 39.6%
- services: 36.3%
Export: t.b.a.
Import: t.b.a.
Main trade partners: STOIC, other Smalik nations

Drives on the: right

Calling code: +356
Main local numbers: (0)50 Ddambac, (0)13 Ecboven, (0)15 Senowc, (0)20 Snökes, (0)22 Zäpec, (0)34 Donzobes, (0)42 Ocani, (0)44 Owstow Zobes
Internet TLD: .kn, .ken

Kencari, officially the Republic of Kencari (Coastal Kencari: Destraddokappist Kencaree; Lake Kencari: Distriddokappiost Kencari ha) is a country in central Smalik. Established in February 319, it consists of two parts: the main part is lodged between the Cislendian Ocean and Lake Pearyt, and borders Black Bowdani, Tak, Western Shore, Bbukes, Nucani, Sarigis, and The Lectern, while the smaller part, known as Number Thirteen (CK: Dowbugí; LK: Daubugí) is located on the northeastern shore of Lake Pearyt and borders Tak and Flovaigne.

Geography and climate
Kencari consists of two parts. The main part is located in the central-western part of the continent, bordering Bowdani (Black) in the west, Tak, Western Shore, and Bbukes in the north, Lake Pearyt in the east, Nucani in the southeast, Sarigis and The Lectern in the south, and the Cislendian Ocean in the southwest. Its centre, near the town of Siskis, consists of the valley that separates the northern part from the southern part of the Strywak Mountains and which forms the main passage between the central westcoast and other parts of the continent.

The other part, known as 'Number Thirteen', is located on the northeast of Lake Pearyt between Tak and Flovaigne. Number Thirteen is located between the river Gorough, which forms a natural border with Tak, and the small mountain range of the Florin Mountains, which form a natural border with Flovaigne.


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Administrative division
38 regions

Top 5 cities (+ inhabitants)
 ·  Ddambbac (2,053,204)
 ·  Ecboven (1,486,006)
 ·  Senowc (970,600)
 ·  Snökes (474,508)
 ·  Zäpec (411,653)

To be elaborated.

Kencari is a parliamentary republic. The legislative consists of a parliament of 444 members, elected every four years by the people. The first elections after the country's independence on 26 February 319, originally scheduled on 15 September 319, were however postponed the situation in some parts of the country were still too unstable to ensure the safety of the voters. They were rescheduled on the 1st of March 320 and won by the Kencari Movement of Citizens, which received 188 of 444 seats. They formed a coalition government with the Progress Party (65 seats). Five parties are part of the opposition: Direction Orthodoxy (98 seats), the Kencari Burovianist Party (43), Kencari for a Planned Future (20), Freedom for All (16), and the Expansion Party (14).

The most recent elections took place on 11 February 324. The KMC remained the largest party, although it lost 15 seats. Its coalition partner, the Progress Party lost 37 seats, which meant that the KMC had to look for a new partner. The new Nature Party, which entered parliament with 79 seats, took on that role and the new government was confirmed on 15 March.

The executive consists of the Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet. The Prime Minister is appointed by a parliamentary majority and then appoints the rest of the Cabinet. Currently Alonis Ggowrun-Ceess (KMC) has been Prime Minister since 26 February 319 (transitional until 6 March 320), with Ggädes Ustäre (f, NP) serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs since 15 March 324.

Political parties
 ·  Kencari Movement of Citizens (KMC, 173 seats (-15) since 324)
 ·  Direction Orthodoxy (DO, 115 (+17))
 ·  Nature Party (NP, 79 (+79))
 ·  Kencari Burovianist Party (KBP, 49 (+6))
 ·  Progress Party (PP, 28 (-37))
 ·  Kencari for a Planned Future (KPF, 0 (-20))
 ·  Freedom for All (FfA, 0 (-16))
 ·  Expansion Party (EP, 0 (-14))

List of Prime Ministers of Kencari
  319 - 324   Alonis Ggowrun-Ceess (f, KMC, transitional until 6 March 320)

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Society, culture, and sports

To be elaborated.